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domingo, 22 de julio de 2012

Today, we finally finished the module 2 of the TKT exam.  In this Module we study all the things related with the Lesson Planning.
I learnt a lot of things in this Module. But I would like to talk about one issue that concerns me. In this course, when we talk about teaching aids, we still can see that the module includes the using of old resources like Overhead Projectors, Tapes,   Flipcharts, but I did not read / heard a single word about devices like Mobile Phones, Ipods, or at least a Memory stick!
Is Technology advancing so fast that we teachers are staying behind? 
I spent 3 years of my life in the UK, where I got my MSc degree. The first thing I can say is that in this country, mobile phones are used for many things, like reading the Schedule on Airports and Railway stations, to investigate addresses, to chat, to shop, to read the weather predictions, or to investigate anything in Wikipedia. And many Universities are involved in what we call M-Learning, the using of Mobile aids to Teach / Learn Including my beloved English Alma Mater the UEL.
I am not proposing to eliminate from the course, the parts related with Flipcharts or tape recorders. We don’t know where our paths will lead us, but I think we should include those new devices, and welcome them as Real Teaching Aids. Our world is changing very fast, and we teachers should be prepared to use new devices in our work.  

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